Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Grass- take one

This is how we po' folks in the South plant grass.  First you will need your nearest 19 year old neighbor, in this case he already works here.  Say hello to Mitch.  And, yes, he is a cutie patootie.  Let him till the entire area.  Twice.  Lord knows we don't have dirt like they do up North.  You know, where it practically jumps onto the shovel all by itself.  This ground is HARD, and rocky.
Mow down existing grass you may have.  You can see I use the term grass very loosely.  It looks like the desert here.
Shovel out the compost.  This compost is the REAL DEAL.  75 percent poop and 25 percent filler.  Not like that stuff at the hardware store that is 20 percent poop and 80 percent filler, lol. 
Again, this is where the 19 year old comes in handy.  He is like a little workhorse, this one.  Your back will thank you later.
Admire the finished product, while you send the wife to Southern States for grass seed.  
(oh, and guess what we had last night....another tornado warning and more hail, anyone see a trend developing here?)


farmersdaughter4ever said...

at least he sent you after the grass seed and not the compost!! I remember when we would save our turkey poop for people and they would come and take it by the truck loads and be so excited...never understood the excitement....didn't they know it smelled REALLY BAD?...hope you have beautiful grass really soon!

Shannon said...

Landon calls it the smell of money! He LOVES it, me, not so much. Poultry compost is very acidic, at least the cow compost is odor free, lol.

Shannon said...

Oh, and Mitch drove the loader across the street and loaded the dump-truck with the compost. I can't be trusted for such things, lol.

BE said...

It looks good, can't wait to see green grass growing out there. Oh and Shaun calls it the smell of money too. Too funny.

Shannon said...

I think he got that from Granddaddy, he used to say it too.

Heather's World said...

I miss "playing" in the dirt! When we move back home, I am going to have to plant a garden or something! There is nothing but sand here...