Wednesday, April 30, 2008


The oldest boy has to lead the pledge of allegiance this morning in front of the whole school for the morning news cast.  I got so frustrated listening to him slur all of the words together, that the husband recorded him saying it in front of the trusty old Mac.  Then we played it for him.  He got extremely angry, so we asked why.  He shouted out, "I don't SOUND like that.  THAT is not my voice!!"  Haha, welcome to the world of hearing yourself for the first time son.


BE said...

LOL! I remember hearing myself recorded for the first time, it is a bit shocking. I don't think I could make it as a reporter or anything that has to speak in front of a camera; I hate hearing myself.

I hope all went well for his pledge this morning. :)

Shannon said...

Yep, me either. I don't like to hear myself at all.

farmersdaughter4ever said...

I agree....I hate it, anytime I hear myself over a mic or something I always feel like looking around to see who else has a mic too!lol! I don't know how people do it!...poor boy, what a rude awakening!...funny, but so rude!lol How did the pledge go? did it help?

Shannon said...

He said it went very well! He liked watching them film the news casting, he has never been involved in that. It is the same two kids that do the main part everyday. He STILL says it wasn't his voice though, lol.