Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Good Idea?

One day last week, during Easter vacation, I heard a ruckus in the front yard.  I walked over to the kitchen window to see what was going on.  I saw my husband driving the sprayer around the trees (no small feat, since this thing was made for a field) and the signature drops of foam all over the yard.  He finished, and then did the back yard and the shop yards before moving on to the pastures.  Later that night the following conversation took place.
H- Did you see me spraying the yard?
Me- Yeah.... why did you do that, you have never sprayed the yard before.
H- I don't know, I had some extra stuff in the sprayer and thought I'd give it a whirl.
Me- Ummmhmmmm.
H- It was hard to get around all of those trees. (he is pretty proud of himself at this point)
Me- Yep, what was in the sprayer?
H- What?
Me- You heard me.  What was in the sprayer?
H- Oh, just some nitrogen and stuff.  It will turn the grass so green!
Me- What other stuff?
H- Hum?
Me- WHAT other stuff?
H- Oh some 2,4D to kill those yellow flowers, and some Banvel.
Me- I KNOW what 2,4D does, and we don't have any yellow flowers in the yard!  What does Banvel do?
H- Oh, ummmm, it kills everything that is not grass.
H- What? (still acting innocent)
Me- Considering that our yard is 94 percent NOT GRASS, I don't think that was a very good idea.  Do you?
H- In hindsight, probably not.
Me- I can't BELIEVE you did that.
H- It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Has anyone seen our yard?  It looks like a HOT MESS right now.  He actually told me not the mow that other day.   I replied, "Mow what?  There is nothing TO mow."  Don't laugh people, it isn't funny.


BE said...

I'm trying not to laugh, really. It's just I don't think men think things through sometimes. Sorry about your yard. If he sprayed our yard, I think the same thing would happen to our yard too.

Cliff said...

The difference between spraying your wifes yard and killing 10 acres of your neighbors soybeans is that your neighbor will eventually forget it.
Your husband is my hero. I don't have the nerve to do that.


Fantastagirl said...

Growing up - we had a neighbor that every time the wind picked up he would spray (I know he didn't mean to - but it sure seemed that way) He killed off our windbreak, the vegetable garden and mom's roses. She was okay with everything until it got the roses.

Sorry about your yard.

"B" said...

Not laughing I swear =)