My first-born is a teenager now. Where did the time go? It seems like yesterday that I was calling the hubs to come home because my water broke.

His reply was "Are you sure?" Yes, the boy was born during planting season. He didn't want to leave the field for a false alarm. Who knew the child was going to weigh 8 pounds and 4 ounces? I was tiny. Where was all of that baby?

By six months old he was a 24 pound chunk of happiness with long reddish, curly hair. Mrs. Gail gave what would become the first of many, monthly haircuts. That spring was the first big boy cut from daddy. Yep, it was shaved. He screamed the whole time. It has been blond ever since.

He stayed chunky through toddlerhood. Then something started happening.
He started getting taller, and taller, and taller. He is now the same height as I am. Although at the rapid rate he is growing, I know that he will pass me soon.

I wasn't prepared for how rapidly he would grow up. His voice would deepen. He would take on responsibility. He would want to work. Or how well he could do the running man forwards, backwards, and sideways. It seems he got some moves from my brother. How much he could make us all laugh at silly jokes. Happy 13th birthday Levi!!! We love you deeply!
Happy Birthday Levi!!! I remember riding by the old house and he would be running around the yard, I think he was around 2. Time sure does fly!
What a great looking celebration!! God Bless you Levi!!
Crystal, I thought you were going to say running around the yard in his diaper. :)
Happy Birthday Levi!!! He's the same age as my oldest!
Levi, I can not believe you are finally a teenager! You have become quite a young man and I am so proud of you, you remind me of your dad when he was your age!
I love you!
Grandma Debra
Wow! Sounds a lot like my first. He was 8 lb. 5 oz. and 20 lbs at 6 months. And he's a skinny bean now. But none of my boys had red hair :( I know the day will come when they will be taller than me too. At least I still have 2 more years before he's a teenager.
Great post and birthday celebration!!
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