Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve

Taking a shot of the kids and the tree before we leave for Great Grandmama's house.
What is going on here? We were doing so well.
Good grief, did they all forget that I am holding the camera?
Okay, time to reign this in before someone gets hurt or knocks over the tree.
That's better! Merry Christmas 2009


Carolina Mama said...

These are so great! What a cute idea. Wish I had thought to do that. :) Thanks for sharing.

Shannon said...

I try to do it every year, but sometimes I forget. :)

Karen said...

I love that you take pics of boys in front of tree...we did that every year until they started leaving we have Christmas through-out the month of Dec....wierd....thanks for the memories of 4 boys(we have 4 too) goofing off in front of the tree...I'll post some of ours...if I can wade through the clutter around here! Happy New Year!

Rockin' it up said...

love it! MIss you already!!! You should get back on the list on Facebook so I can see you while I'm in S. Africa--come on--you don't have skype--DO IT FOR ME!!!! :)

twin power mommy ♥ said...

That's cute. You are such a mama of boys...Super cute pics of them goofin off!

i always have the HARDEST time getting all 3 kids to cooperate all at once!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Great pics. Yeah do facebook...once you get used to it, it's fun.

Nancy M. said...

Great pictures! Very handsome boys you have!

Dorothy said...

Lovely family, hope your holidays were wonderful..

Dorothy from grammology

"B" said...

These pictures are awesome- definitely love the funny faces! Gage must have a thing for stickin' his tongue out while Stone cracks me up with his squinty eyes!!! And Levi and Wyatt had me laughing like crazy!