Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I asked Levi this morning if he was wearing green. He had forgotten about St. Patrick's Day and had on an orange shirt. I offered to go upstairs into his room and get his green shirt from last year that says "IRISH you were a leprechaun". I entered his room and walked over to his storage tote with all of the short sleeve shirts in it. As I stepped beside of the tote, I felt my foot hit something sharp. In my haste to get away from the pain, I quickly hopped off of it, and then slipped on a pile of Pokemon cards. As I was falling sideways, I grabbed his comforter to steady myself and successfully pulled the entire thing off of his unmade bed. Getting up from the floor I dug out the cause of the pain in the first place. A three ring binder..... with the rings OPENED. I was sure I had blood and a puncture wound, but nothing was on my foot but a bruise. The kids thought this whole scenario was quite hilarious. Me...... not so much. I would just like to add..... Mom.... when you took that ride down the hall in Shaun's Tonka truck..... I'm sorry I laughed. I get it now.


Rockin' it up said...

tears in my eyes...can't. stop. laughing :-D!!!

Shannon said...

Yes, it is funny now.

Cliff said...

Good stuff.
Man you've been busy while I was away.
Are you aware that the 'spreader' is the only implement your dealer won't stand behind?
Nope, never heard it called 'joy.'

Amanda said...

I curse matchbox cars and action figures almost daily here. For pretty much the same scenario you just described.

Anonymous said...

Oh the joys of motherhood! I had almost forgotten the Tonka incident...now I know why large trucks give me the shakes!

raising4boys said...

No Fun!! I hope you at least pinched him for not putting on green in the first place that morning.

twin power mommy ♥ said...

That's funny!
Thanks for a good laugh this late in the evening!

Heather's World said...

All the fun times ahead of me...can't wait! Lol! I'm glad there wasn't blood or anything!