Friday, February 27, 2009

Guess What?

The buddies got it. It was inevitable. They had a field trip today and are going to be pretty mad when they realize they missed it. I was up at two am with two sick little boys and 103.5 temperatures.


Carolina Mama said...

Oh what a bummer. I do hope they'll feel better. Prayers your way. :) You can add it to the prayer chain. :) Hugs to all.

BE said...

I thought they had a field trip today. Poor buddies. :(
On a side note, I HATE those disposable feeling medicine cups. The ones we had with our last bottle of motrin didn't even last the whole bottle and I had to throw it away. At least I had plenty of the sturdy ones. :)

Shannon said...

Brandy, I know what you mean. I love the ones with the dark print on them that come with the childrens Tylenol. Someone finally got smart.

Shannon said...

Brandy, I know what you mean. I love the ones with the dark print on them that come with the childrens Tylenol. Someone finally got smart.

Shannon said...

Homemom 3, yes I thought the same thing about the orange crush, it tasted exactly like the pregnancy sugar tests. I almost threw up, lol.

Amanda said...

I am sorry. I have one sick one, holding my breath the other three don't catch it (stomach bug).

Great visual with the measuring cups!

Amanda said...

Awwww, poor kids. Poor mom too. We've found that medicine spoons work better. I usually just toss the cups when I open the bottles anymore. I hope everyone feels better soon. I think your cooties made their way to PA. My DH had a sore throat yesterday and I can feel one coming on myself.