Friday, October 10, 2008


The corn harvest is finally through here in the South, for us anyway.  It seemed to be taking forever, because it just wouldn't stop raining long enough to get finished.  We had to dry every load.  The dryer runs off of propane, so you can imagine what it is costing us.
The boys have "helped" unload several loads at our grain bins across from the store.  The hubs said G was skeptical about wearing the earphones, but got used to it.  It is very loud with the unloading and the dryer running at the same time.  You can hear the dryer from our house.  Landon caught him pulling them away from his ears a few times and then putting them back on.  Guess he was comparing the noise difference.  ;)
Now we play the waiting game.  We wait as long as possible for the prices to come back up in the commodity market.   Their are no grain elevators close to here so that doesn't help.  When we contract with Mauney, they usually haul it to Kershaw, South Carolina.  (Mauney grinds feed too, but most of it goes on to SC)  When we sell to Talley, they make their own feed so it stays right there.... but we have to haul it to them, whereas Mauney comes and picks it up.
Thank God we have grain bins so we can hold out selling as long as we can.  Maybe the market will bounce back up soon.  Isn't that the farmers motto?  Next year will be better.
Side Note: See the gray hairs in the hubs goatee?  He says he is going to be a silver fox, lol.
What do we do now?  Get the combine ready for beans, of course!  


Carolina Mama said...

Shannon, wow, you all should be on the Today Show or Good Morning. Real, live, American Farmers. Made in the USA! Thanks for sharing this with all of us who would never see up close maybe.

Also, thanks for stopping by, your father is a wise man it seems.

Cliff said...

Congrats on the corn. What's the closest terminal paying for corn right now. Cargill has a facility within 25 miles where all of ours goes. They are down to $4.48 this morning. However they want corn so badly that they are taking no moisture discount to 17.5%.
Their basis is actually a +20.
Last year at this time it was -50.
I read both of your wedding posts. Great stuff. Congrats on the anniversary and best wishes for about 50 more.
You need to post a picture of your self so I can see if you still wear your hair the same way as you did at the wedding.
Also your quip...(before it was the cool thing to do)had Marilyn and I laughing. Good line.

Shannon said...

Cliff, that's what I am good for... laughs, lol. I will have to ask the hubs what the mill is giving and which month they are working off of on the CBOT. I think the board is closed on Monday because it is a federal holiday, but the market for corn fell even more today. Most farmers are planning on sitting tight as long as they can afford to around here. Do you ever go on Ag Talk? There are some interesting points about the crop insurance that many of us have. Will crop insurance be next in line for a bail-out like the housing markets?

Cliff said...

Ag Talk? Where is it.

Jules from "The Roost" said...

I am sure you could say a farmers work is never done! Have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you for showing how it's done. I'm going to say a prayer that you get to sell when you want at a good price. Have a great weekend--you guys deserve it!

Tracy said...

Yes...ther is always next year ;o} I was raised on a farm so I am right there with ya.

Thought I'd pop in for a visit!
Have a great weekend!