Sunday, August 17, 2008


The last time we were at the beach, we saved putt-putting for the end of the week.  Long story short, we never made it.  This time we got to go.
Putt-putting with four boys is quite the adventure.  You find yourself saying things like, "put the golf club on the ground", and "stop waving that thing in the air.... it is NOT a windmill", at least 78 times.
The hubs and I decided not to putt-putt so we could help the buddies.  They both watch each other and try to copy each other.  Which would be fine, except that S is left-handed and G is right-handed.  They were both switch putters all night.
You may be wondering where Leigh and Dave are.  They stayed at the house to cook spaghetti and garlic bread for supper.  (no carrots were involved- family joke)
Jake and Heather came over for supper.  And let me say that Heather is THE cutest pregnant person ever!  I can't believe all these girls growing up and having kids of their own, I am getting so old, lol.
No one got hurt, cried, or had to go to the potty while we were there.  So.... I guess you could say we have crossed a milestone.  


Fantastagirl said...

Looks like everyone had an awesome time.

The buddies will catch on soon enough and you will all have such great times!

Foxy said...

looks like they had fun! that's one thing i haven't been brave enough to do yet, puttputt..something to think of tho before summer ends!

Claremont First Ward said...

No hurting, crying or potty runs.......that IS successful! :)

BE said...

Did you go during they day? Because it doesn't look crowded. We went to the other putt-putt behind the movie theater, not crowded at all, but you need bug spray there.

Heather's World said...

It was really great to see you guys! It had been too long. :-)

Shannon said...

We actually went to the other one first, but it looked so desolate (water wasn't running, leaves everywhere) we decided to go to the Jungle Golf one. It wasn't too crowded, we just passed some holes that groups were on. Also the buddies were free there. It was about 5:00.

eyes_only4him said...

oh how fun does that look.

Anonymous said...

What a blast! I always loved putt putt golf when I was young.

twin power mommy ♥ said...

Wow, i'd been meaning to check out your blog since the last time, and it hasn't happened. Now that i have had some time to see what's been happening, it looks like you guys have been super busy.

I have taken my twin girls miniature golfing and it was not pretty. I chuckled reading about you telling your boys not to twirl the club. I had to say that a trillion times, too.
It gets to be more stress than it's worth to take them with us.
Perhaps when they get a little older it'll be more fun.

LOVE the beach pics. LOVE the beach, so i am jealous. We live so close yet hardly go.
Used to go every other weekend during the summer months. But that was before kids....

Elizabeth said...

The "put those on the ground" and "not a windmill" comments cracked me up. So true!