Saturday, August 9, 2008

For Uncle Shaun

I thought I would try to get some pictures for Shaun before we left for the beach.  This is the upstairs bathroom.
From what I could see, the siding is finished except for the new window in Blake and Clay's room in the back.
Here is the fireplace wall in the living room.
Front living room wall.  Is the hap-hazard painting bothering anyone but me?
Kitchen has been painted green, and updated with bead-board. 
Dining room.  Going to be a darker green.   
The upstairs rooms have their new drawers and hardware.
I think the front is done, except for painting the door.  Here are the new shutters.
The sliding bathroom door has been painted and installed.
Stone shower in the master bath.
Bathroom cabinets have been installed.   
Stairwell.  That pretty much covers it.  Hope you and Celeste are doing well.  
(We got her e-mail about coming home for a visit.  Are you coming too?)


Anonymous said...

Are you guys doing the work yourself? That is so great. I like the drawers in the dormer. We have bookshelves that were always there that we can remove them to get to a storage area. But, dressers? That's a great idea.

And, I can see that you totally hear me on the to-do list in preparation of school. Wow!

Your comment cracked me up!



Have a great weekend!

BE said...

Looks awesome! have fun at the beach!

Claremont First Ward said...

Wow. You've been much remodelled! I hope you'll show the "finished" pictures as well.

eyes_only4him said...

Thats gonna look sweet when its all done though...

I hate having the house tore drives me nuts.

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Wow - I'm jealous. Seems like progress moves soooo sloooow at our place!

I've got a little award for you over on my blog - come check it out (AND a giveaway!)

Anonymous said...

That stone shower looks awesome! Can you show more pictures especially of this one. ;) Nice work!

Cliff said...

The house looks really nice. Congrats. Also I hope your vacation is exactly what you needed. We're planning another one before harvest.