Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Doing Corn

Sunday afternoon we found out that the corn was "almost" ready.  It has been too hot to get in the garden until last night.  The boys and the husband picked a Gator load for us to deliver to the neighbors, and a load for us to freeze.
The highlight of the evening was Wyatt discovering a small nest in a stalk, and a single egg.  Maybe a sparrow?  Any-who, he is determined to get this thing to hatch and has built a nest using yarn.  The egg is now safely in the freezer house under a heat lamp.  Wyatt told the buddies that when it hatched he would be it's mother, lol.  Visions of the book, "Are You My Mother?" popped into my head.  Today he wants to check bait stores for worms.  (So if you are keeping score.. we now have two fish, a dog, two cats, a tadpole, four slugs and an egg)  
S was the go between carrying the corn from L to the Gator.  This boy is BIG on posing right now.  We asked him why he keeps doing silly things and he replied, "Because it's different."  Good answer Buddy!
Here they are shucking the ears.
Filling the box to bring inside where the REAL work began.  You know, cutting it off of the cobs.  We freeze all of what we keep.  Last night we did 29 gallon size freezer bags, enough for one years worth for our family dinners and soups and such.  The rest will be sold by the boys at the end of the driveway.  Stop by if you want a dozen or four.


farmersdaughter4ever said...

wow that is a lot of corn in your freezer!...I froze about 20 pint bags this year, I would of loved closer to 30, but I am SO not complaining!...cream corn is my favorite!....gotta love gardening, do y'all do anything else? I picked green beans and limas we have tomatoes, okra, eggplant, squash, crowder peas, watermelon, and we already picked our corn for the year! the garden! I just wish I had more room to do it here instead of having to depend on my grandparents land!!

Shannon said...

We also have okra, bell peppers, watermelon, and cucumbers. I can't pick beans and such because they make me break out in a rash that resembles hives. Next year we are moving the corn somewhere else and growing more of the other stuff in the yard garden. The peppers are the best I have ever tasted, lol.

Shannon said...

Oh, I forgot, we also have strawberries and grapes.

BE said...

wow, lots of corn. I don't think we're going to get much corn, my mom said hers isn't doing well this year. But, I'm not a big corn eater, so that's ok. As long as I get plenty of beans, I'm good! Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

It meant a lot to Mom that you and Landon came by today. I'm sure she'd love to see the deck fixed eventually. Thank him for me.

Fantastagirl said...

What a crop - looks great and it has to feel great to have so much of it in the freezer.

Heather's World said...

If I was there, I would sooo buy some! Of course, if I was there, I would probably have a garden of mine own. *sigh*