Okaaayyyyy. Where do I start? Monday G threw up two times and then had diarrhea. Wednesday, L, threw up M.A.N.Y. times. Last night, W and G threw up in their beds, and L was up all night with the G.I. trots... fun times. Now, Landon and S have it. Sooo, ya'll know that means I am doomed here. I'll probably get it on Father's Day and not be able to go anywhere, lol. If you have tried to call Landon, he is out of commission. Hopefully we will be well soon!
Could we have the salmonella that everyone has been talking about, or is a virus going around? Just to be safe, I am throwing out all of the tomatoes. I just noticed that it is Friday the 13th, how appropriate!
Happy Anniversary to Shaun and Brandy!!!! Hope B is well.
Oh my goodness, hope everyone get's well very soon!!! Hopefully you wont get it at all. Miss you!!
Hopefully, but my stomach has been rumbling all morning. :(
I was wanting to come by to see the kids this weekend, but maybe not.
Oh, I hope ya'll feel better soon. At least it's this week and not next week, lol. Bailey is better. Her fever came down and she still has a cough, but that is it. Graham, I think has the fifth disease- finally. He has red cheeks and now his arms are rashy too. And we are getting family pics tomorrow. :(
Oh know im so sorry feel better soon!
Oh no, so sorry about Graham. Go to CVS and pick-up the oatmeal bath stuff. It REALLY helps.
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