Tuesday, April 8, 2008


For several years now, I have been eyeing an umbrella for my patio set.  Then I always see the prices, and change my mind.  Well, this week-end that all changed.  Big Lots had some on close-out for half the price.  The buddies and I were on our way, in search of a nine foot umbrella and a stand.  We found the items with no problems, and there were quite a few colors to chose from.  I decided on red because my patio could use some color.  I noticed how the display was about four feet off the ground and realized that getting one out was going to be a bit of a problem, but I decided to try it anyway.  I found a red one and began to lift it out.  As I lifted, the WHOLE ENTIRE DISPLAY of umbrellas came falling down!  They barely missed hitting the buddies by mere inches.  Another shopper came to my rescue, and we stood there holding up the remaining umbrellas to keep them from falling.  We decided to ask for help, but no one came.  Finally a worker came, accessed the situation, and LEFT us standing there.  We got fed up and slowly let the remaining umbrellas fall to the floor.  Then, she helped me find my red one and we both walked off.  My question is, who thought that putting a heavy item so high up was a good idea?  Who thought that bungee cords were going to hold them in place?  As I left I browsed by the area, and they were putting them back up the same way......someone is going to get hurt.


BE said...

Ack! Scary, that could have really hurt one of the twins if it hit them. And I can't believe a worker didn't help you! At least you got your red umbrella.

Rockin' it up said...

ya shoulda asked for help BEFORE you pulled the umbrellas down on yourself :). A red umbrella sounds nice though. can't wait to see it!

Shannon said...

Okay, I didn't "pull them down on myself". The display was set up in such a way that whomever touched an umbrella would have caused an avalanche.