Wednesday, April 16, 2008

School News

As I said earlier, W, made A honor roll the third nine weeks.  L made A-B honor roll.  They both get to attend the honor roll celebration for their grade next week.  L was also chosen by his teacher to be on the Safety Patrol the fourth nine weeks.  Each fifth grade teacher chooses a few students each nine weeks to serve.  They work on parent drive, and stand at the entrances to each pod.  If you are a student, trying to gain access without a parent or teacher, you can hang it up!  No one is allowed in the classrooms until the bell rings.  K-1 are in the cafeteria, and 2-5 are in the gym line dancing with Mrs. Huneycutt.  They get to wear a vest type thing, and take it very seriously.  The down side?  I have to drive him to school every day by 8-8:10.  W still has to ride the bus because students can't come to school before 8:15, or you get charged for 'before school care'.  My mom checked L's math during Easter break, and called to tell me that I won't be able to check his homework too much longer.  I replied, "What are you talking about?  I can't check it now!"  They learned the formula for Pi already.  I know I didn't learn that until eighth grade.  He is multiplying and dividing fractions, and finding area, perimeter, and volume.  Last night I had to get L to show me how to check one of W's math problems.  I also had to make sure that a hexagon had 6 sides, lol.  W is finding angles in geometric shapes.  Right, obtuse, acute, etc.  The question was something along the lines of...."Sally had a hexagon, a pentagon and two quadrilaterals.  How many angles did she have left, if you take away five?  I want to say, "Tell Sally that won't matter one hundred years from now!"


farmersdaughter4ever said...

one day I might need your mom to check my kids math too!'s hard to believe that they are learning Pi so early!....what are they going to do in highschool?

"B" said...

You sound like me trying to help David with his math when Mom is gone...let's just say not much get's done =)

Shannon said...

That's a good question! At least he knows what he is doing. He actually THRIVES on a hard math equation, lol.

BE said...

Ack, I dread the math thing. So far the only homework we have is reading every night and G has one worksheet a week. I hope my kids excel in math and won't need my help.