Monday, March 31, 2008


Last night we stopped by Wal-Mart before we went out to eat.  The husband needed some new work clothes.  L & W pointed out that they needed new black boots (the rubber ones, great for days on the farm).  Of course, we had to pull them apart so they could try them on, but I stuck them back inside of one another for check-out the way they display them.  Our checker was a high school boy who looked to be around 17.  He SLOWLY scanned everything and then stopped at the boots.  He then pulled the pair back apart and held them up in front of me.  "Are these together, or separate?" he asks me, holding one boot in each hand.  I stared at him dumbfounded and replied, "Together."   I wanted to add, " And HERE'S your sign!"


Anonymous said...

Good stuff..thanks for sharing. I always love seeing the boys in their boots.


BE said...

That sounds like Wal-mart. And as slow as the checkers are, we seem to get through faster w/ the actual people than if we try self check out. Something always goes wrong with self checkout. :)

"B" said...

Mom can never do self-check out either lol. I try to always do self though because inevitably I will see someone I know otherwise and end up in wally-world for hours on end.
and yes the cashier does sound a bit odd =)

Rockin' it up said...

hilarious! Dave and I were both laughing out loud! That's Albemarle for ya.

Fantastagirl said...

LOL- Mr incredible and I both cracked up!