Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pulling Teeth

Video of S getting his tooth pulled. Watch G at the end.


Shannon said...

I can't get enough of his little cheer at the end!

Shannon said...

Someone asked me where Levi was....he was asleep. This was before the first bus came.

Fantastagirl said...

Yay! gotta love his little cheer!

Elizabeth said...

Can I borrow your husband to come do that at our house?!

Cliff said...

He took it pretty well. Good cheer at the end.
A dentist would have done that for $200.

Rockin' it up said...

SERIOUSLY laughed out loud!

raising4boys said...

So adorable! I bet he was just glad he wasn't him, lol! My boys don't let us near their teeth, they do it themselves!!