Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tubes Take Two

Yesterday S got his tubes in. This shot was taken right after he had his "happy juice". He was getting pretty silly while we were waiting. It was all over in less than 10 minutes, and we were back home about 30 minutes after that. He is doing well and returned to school today.


Cliff said...

One of my grandsons had that done. It really helped.
I'm happy for you that all went well.

Tekamah is 6 degrees,wind from the NW at 25. We had 12" of snow blown clear everywhere and piled in our farmstead. I'm goin out to get on with the blower. If I survive, I'll be back to read more stuff from your arrid climes.

Nancy M. said...

I'm glad he's doing well!

Shannon said...

Cliff you are hilarious. It is 65 degrees here today. I'll do a dance in the sunshine in your honor. Although everything is soggy, and the streams are flooded. Oh, they are calling for ice, snow, and sleet on Saturday. Great weather for snot.

Nancy, thanks. He is doing great.

Shannon said...

Whoops, sorry Cliff, it is 70 here right now. My bad, lol.

BE said...

Glad all went well. Hopefully this will be the last time for tubes. Did S get his adenoids (spelling?) out also?

Shannon said...

No, they said the adenoids were normal sized, so they left them in this time.

Anonymous said...

hey, tried calling you to check on Stone, but for some reason, I have some old mans number in my cell...who knew. He wasn't happy that I called him three times and asked for Shannon. Nope, thought it was Landon playing a trick on me, so the last time, I started making fun of him. Yeah, that turned out well. Didn't tell Jason causse I know he probably would know this person if I told him the numebr, so we'll just keep it to ourseleves. Wouldn't be so bad if I had not told him my name. LOL!!! Glad Stone did great! C U tomorrow night! Ang

Shannon said...

Angie, Wyatt just told me this morning that you called me at the house last night. Still giggling about the old man, haha!!!

Carolina Mama said...

So cute!! Glad it went well - he looks so happy!

raising4boys said...

Such a cute picture, love his teddy. Hope the tubes help!

p.s. you need to visit my blog ASAP ;)