Saturday, November 14, 2009

This Week in Review

School front- report cards came home. All the boys did awesome. S and G's said they need to be in an exceptional math program. How did I get all these kids who are smart in math? They definitely didn't get MY math genes.

Wrestling front- Levi did a pre-lim Tuesday night and totally rocked it out. I am very surprised at how fun the matches are to watch. The team has won three out of three. But I am told to "wait until we wrestle Mooresville". I guess they are the team to beat. Meanwhile, Levi is turning into pure muscle. He pointed out his abs to me the other day after practice. :)

Farming front- The monsoon came, aka Hurricane Ida. It has rained and rained and rained. If it ever dries up again, soybean harvest will be back in full swing. Family.....if the hubs is not at Thanksgiving, remember this week.

Surgery front- G's surgery went very smoothly. He got his tubes in, adenoids removed again, and had allergy testing done. Past experience with this helped with the recovery room. I didn't leave until he had thrown up the blood. Thank goodness it didn't happen in the car ride home. His tongue was a little swollen, but it has come down quickly. After a short nap, he commented that he heard some strong wind. It was the heat coming on. I guess he has never heard it before. MY BABY CAN FINALLY HEAR!!!

Home front- The hubs and I got to go out without any kids last night. The first time in MONTHS! Yep, we didn't even get to do anything for birthdays or our anniversary this year. It was so nice to watch a movie together. Levi was at a small group function, and the other three are camping with my parents.


Nancy M. said...

I am SO happy it stopped raining, finally! I hope your hubby doesn't have to miss Thanksgiving dinner. I am glad that G's surgery went well and that he can hear.

BE said...

Busy week. Sounds like L is having a great time wrestling. Can't wait to see pics of him in action.

I read that adenoids growing back is pretty rare, so wow on that. Only B has had her's removed, our ENT won't remove them until the 2nd set of tubes are put in. Weird how dr's are different. How wonderful for him to be able to hear again.

It's nice to be able to have a night out alone. I know how hard it is to schedule a "date night" with overtime working hubbies and busy kids. So worth it though.

Shannon said...

I was surprised that they had grown back also, but the surgeon said it was very common for them to grow back. His were huge both times and causing the infections to last longer. Ours removes the adenoids but will not touch tonsils until they are a certain age.

Carolina Mama said...

So glad your baby can hear! What a blessing it all went well. And also Congratulations to Levi! That is impressive his Beta Club grades! Y'all have had a busy and successful go of things. It is so cute he loves the wrestling so much!

Cliff said...

Sorry about the rain, Hope it dries quickly.
We're down to our last 200 acres of corn but it will be a race for space. The yields are all so high that the elevators will all run out of room. We all need to use them for what won't fit in the bins.
Keep up the sports. Good on all of you.

Shannon said...

Cliff you are killing me, lol. We had an extremely dry spell this summer and it hurt our yields greatly. Do you think your states over abundance will lower or raise the corn prices?

twin power mommy ♥ said...

YAY....nice to go out with your man...i always enjoy a nice night with my man.

Sometimes we just need to re-connect as friends and lovers instead of always being in mommy/daddy roles.

raising4boys said...

Busy week! Glad their report cards were good. That's always good good news! Wrestling sounds fun. Surgery, not so fun but glad the results are what you needed :) And date night...who can TOP that!!

Cliff said...

Well Shannon, I hate to say it but Iowa, Illinois, and Nebraska grow most of the corn so I guess as they go, so goes the market. However, our local bids (processors) have been hovering around the $3.50 mark for the past month in the midst of harvest pressure. That does bode well for a price later on. We got so much rain this past summer that you seldom hear of a yield below 200. Crazy. I had an 80 (poor gumbo) that has never gone better than 142/A and this year went 220 over the scale. Go figure.

Shannon said...

Cliff, amazing. We would be throwing a party in the field with yields like that. People, if you see confetti, it is GOOD. :)

Judy Eddy said...

I really enjoyed having the kids with us camping this weekend. I enjoyed hiking with them, they were good eaters and were polite with their requests and just polite generally. They slept well and stayed in the tent until time to get up. They were truly a joy to camp with. Love,

Shannon said...

Dad, your account of the camping trip and Mom's vary somewhat. Glad you had fun.