Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Everyone Needs a Break

Here is the hubs before vacation....and after.  Any questions?
Four more days people, four more days!


Carolina Mama said...

Love that Rebel Flag Boogy Board.

Anonymous said...

Almost looks like two different people!

Anonymous said...

haha Love it! The rebel boogie board is great!

BE said...

I so wish we were able to go to the beach for a second time, but this is the busy season for HVAC'ers.

Shannon said...

Would just like to say that we didn't buy the rebel boogie board, it was in the beach house already, lol. Not that there is anything wrong with that, haha.

Fantastagirl said...

I'm thinking vacation is great for all involved.

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

That could be a wordless Wednseday post! Seriously...'before' and 'after' - so glad you got a vacation!

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from the blog train!

I love the pictures- I would say he was in definite need of a vacation!!

Jen @ One Moms World said...

I found you through the blog train. He definitely looks more relaxed. We need a vacation too hehe.

Anonymous said...

Landon, you look so much like your Dad! I love you!
