Monday, March 24, 2008

Fifth Grade Egg Drop

Friday L had the Egg Drop contest at school.  If the student followed the rules they would receive an "easy 100" for their science class.  He had to construct a package that would protect its payload (a raw egg) from breaking, when dropped from a two-story height.  They had to apply the laws of motion, design, and gravity.  Sound easy?  They could ONLY use: straws, toothpicks, rubber bands, string, glue, and pipe cleaners.  The student had to be able to carry the container into the school by themselves, and take less than one minute to open said container after the drop.  If the egg survived the drop, they won a prize.  We used straws, rubber-bands, and yarn.  And guess what?  IT DIDN'T BREAK!!!!  We had one excited boy when he arrived home that afternoon.


Rockin' it up said...

YAY! Did he win anything because it didn't break? Didn't he make one that didn't break last year or the year before too? He's really good with that kind of stuff :).

Shannon said...

No, he has never done it before. It is just a fifth grade science project. All the winners received a sheet of coupons they can use at school. They say things like free ice cream, add ten points to a grade, free homework pass, etc. I think you were thinking about the tall tower contest that he won in third grade. He built a tower out of styrofoam and toothpicks taller then anyone in the whole school.

Fantastagirl said...

That's so awesome!!

BE said...

Way to go, L! That's so cool.

farmersdaughter4ever said...

that sounds so cool!...good for him!

Anonymous said...

Levi, I would love to see it! Have you saved it?

Grandma Debra