Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Let's seeeeeee, I took the buddies to the ear, nose and throat doctor because I KNEW something was going on with them.  They have had general crud (snot, coughing, ear pain, loss of appitite) for two weeks now.  G has a double ear infection, with one ear drum bulging, and S has one ear infection.  Now, he is talking about G getting tubes again this summer if this doesn't clear up in the next two weeks.  Poor kid!  He got a double dose of nasty ears from both the husband and I.  We both had ear trubs as chitlins.  (ya'll Northerners liked that ...... didn't ya, lol)  And, no, I don't call kids "chitlins" on a daily basis.  I went to my doctor to be told that, yes, I have a sinus infection.  It probably triggered the Vertigo.  She gave me a Z-pac and a horse pill for sinus pain that knocked me out last night.  I was looking forward to getting on the scale at the doctors to see if I have lost any weight from all of the healthy eating, and exercising at the Y.  It was still the exact same as last summer.  Seriously?  I almost asked the nurse to hold on while I take off my hoodie,  my shoes, and the thirty-five cents in my pocket.  How much do glasses weigh? Surely that would have made a difference, oh well. ;)  I am aiming for a toned tummy when I return in July for my physical.  Let's see what it says THEN!  When we returned from basketball practice last night the husband was up to his eyeballs in paperwork.  Those of you who think that all he does is ride around in a tractor all day are sorely mistaken.  The paperwork for the USDA and the FSA are crazy.  Not to mention we haven't gotten our taxes done yet.  He also had misplaced some weigh tickets, and was tearing the office apart searching for them.  I asked him when he saw them last.  "When the crop insurance agent was here", he replied.  That was a while ago..... they could be anywhere.  I found a bag of them, nope 2004.  Found another bag, nope 2006.  For pete's sake, we have two filing cabinets to prevent this kind of fiasco from taking place.  But he would rather keep piles everywhere.  PILES!  If you know me, you know about my organizing.  Piles don't cut it.  But the office is HIS domain, and I have succumbed to his system.  (whether it works or not, lol)  Oh, and the weigh tickets for 2007?  Stuck inside of a composition book in his desk.  I KNOW I didn't do that.  Now if they were found in the filing cabinet, or the 2007 box of files..... that is another story.


Fantastagirl said...

It's no fun to have sick kids, be sick yourself, and try to do the paperwork.

Feel better soon!

BE said...

Poor buddies! I hope they feel better soon.